Tag: ricenoodles

Asia Phô Soup with Bread | Food around the world

some kind of pho bowl with noodles and crunchy bread cubes
asia meets german habits

Aren’t soups only for winter? – No, definitely no.

Bread, for breakfast and dinner, sometimes also lunch. Germans cannot get enough of their bread. So why not giving it a little tweak?!
The base is an authentic asian Phô soup, decorated with greens and roasted bread cubes. Don’t forget the garlic.

But stop the talking, let’s start!

(1) TAKE
– onion
– garlic
– ginger
– chili paste (“sambal brandal”, optional)
– honey (caramelise the phô base, vegan: agave syrup)
and fry it in a pan until crispy, starting from top to bottom.

(2) TAKE
– broth (vegetarian / vegan) + enough water
– star anise (optional, but when you want to add it, take really just a little)
– cinnamon
and add it to the pan, let simmer for 8-10 minutes.

(3) TAKE
– noodles (glas or rice noodles of any type are welcome here. Read the instruction on the package if it’s recommended to boil the noodles before. Glas noodles can be immediately put in the pan without pre cooking)
– broccoli
– snow peas
– peas
add to the pan and let it simmer 10-15 more minutes, depending on the preferred consistency of the veggies.

Meanwhile cut a few bread cubes and roast them in a frying pan with oil of your choice and a little salt. Optional: garlic and/or honey (vegan: agave syrup)

(4) TAKE – it’s topping time!
select one or multiple of the following:
– spring onion
– champignons (white or brown, all of them are welcome)
– roasted nuts (Cashew, Pignon, you name it…)
– caramelised Haselnut pieces
cut and decorate the prepared bowl for serving.

30 Minutes and you are ready to eat a freshly prepared, home made Phô.

Phô soup is a traditional Vietnamese dish and around 100 years old. Most people assume it is a noodle dish, but actually it is the broth which should get all the attention when eating (rather drinking) it. While there are lot’s of existing recipes and variations (like my recipe interpretation) the original Phô soup is made of beef, onions, coriander and noodles. That’s it. Very simple but yet so complex when it comes to flavours.